Mansfield Woodhouse 1914: Nottinghamshire Sheet 23.09 (Old Ordnance Survey Maps of Nottinghamshire)

From £3.00

Here are the details of maps for Mansfield Woodhouse: Notts Sheet 23.09 Mansfield Woodhouse 1914 – published 2021; intro by Barrie Trinder. ISBN.978-1-78721-476-7

This detailed map covers Mansfield Woodhouse, just N of Mansfield itself, and the rural area to the east. Features include St Edmund’s church, High Street area, Woodhouse Castle, Clerkson’s Hall, part of Sherwood Colliery, railway approaches (but not station), Woodhouse Place, Rushpool Farm, etc. An 1891 directory of Mansfield Woodhouse is included on the reverse.

The map links up with sheet 23.13 Mansfield East to the south.

Last updated on April 30, 2024 2:06 pm